hi (from tara)
thank you for caring about me! i thought i would show you how me and baby have been.... "growing" hehehe!

our first ultra sound at 16 weeks january 31 2011

feb 7 2011, feb 16 2011 (month 5) and feb 25 20011

second ultrasound they think its a girl cause they cant see anything.... but they made me read a disclaimer about that .... my confidence dropped a bit... and everyone keeps saying it looks like I'm having a boy... Ian's pretty sure it's a girl .... me about 75% sure it's a girl just hard to be hundred percent when the doctor tells you not to be...

march 9 2011

march 16 2011, april 14 2011, april 24 2011 ( easter)
thats us getting bigger!
we are starting to prep for baby!!! we have just gotten an awesome lime green car seat. we are thinking of what colors and themes we are going to do for baby so far we think that we are going to do baby in bright blue! just like on my blog http://arumenitta.blogspot.com/ i love the bright color.... my mom got us a little outfit for baby in bright blue! its cute plain with little ruffles around the sleeve. as for theme still working on it. we maybe a little behind schedule we are still looking for baby names. please let us know if you have any ideas!
thank you to my wonderful cousins working on a virtual shower for me and baby!
Congratulations! We didn't know you were pregnant! If it's a girl you will have so much fun! You hear all the stuff about the drama teenage years, but they start out fun! Hehe. Where are you guys living at?