sorry everyone i have been slacking in the updating the blog department...... yeah
so here is what is going on we are now looking for a place to move to ... crossing our fingers.... we want to move before baby comes so we are doing the apartment hunt...
i finally have gotten to one of the hapai classes and today the lady called and said i can go to the more complete classes on Saturdays but i went to the first one on Wednesday and they gave me this cool calculator!
we have been taking pictures these are the last few
i had pasted them in to my little baby journal.... it's just a sketch book i had so it has a million pages and will probably take me to baby's first birthday. we have written little cards to the baby and pasted them inside ( if you want to write baby a pre birth card you can but the card has to be smaller than 3.5 x 4.5 in i think and have a side that can be glued down )
for big news we got a car seat!!!!!!! yay! so cute! so happy we can bring baby home in something.... thank you grandma and grandpa and to my mom and dad......