so there is a hundred billion things for baby out there!
what is need? what is good? what is super helpful? what do we not need? what do we need to get before? what should we hold out on? this or that?
so many questions !
i started to read the book the clinic gave me on what is needed but i am pretty sure we can scratch the winter things (parka not needed) but i just don't know with everything.... started to go online and look around try and figure out what i like but instead i was even more confused oh what to do!.... plus we have no idea where to put anything and/or where we will be bringing baby home to? what do you think?
niki had this for millie looked good but what do you think?
they say lamps are a good idea for the middle of the night?
rockers some say they are lifesavers others live with out them.. huh?
food very important! but maybe not the first few months..
how do i carry baby?

toys for toddlers ( can wait )

where to sleep?

i love this only 11 lbs and goes from infant to 1+
how to travel?
i keep checking sites like zulily.com and target and wal-mart..... any others i should check?