Tuesday, March 29, 2011

so much stuff

so there is a hundred billion things for baby out there!
what is need? what is good? what is super helpful? what do we not need? what do we need to get before? what should we hold out on? this or that?
so many questions !
i started to read the book the clinic gave me on what is needed but i am pretty sure we can scratch the winter things (parka not needed) but i just don't know with everything.... started to go online and look around try and figure out what i like but instead i was even more confused oh what to do!.... plus we have no idea where to put anything and/or where we will be bringing baby home to? what do you think?
niki had this for millie looked good but what do you think?
they say lamps are a good idea for the middle of the night?
rockers some say they are lifesavers others live with out them.. huh?
food very important! but maybe not the first few months..
how do i carry baby?
toys for toddlers ( can wait )

where to sleep?
i love this only 11 lbs and goes from infant to 1+

how to travel?

i keep checking sites like zulily.com and target and wal-mart..... any others i should check?

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

last week

last week we took the substitute teacher class and wow sitting that long made my feet get really fat for the first time... it was a pretty straight forward class we both passed... yay! also last week baby really started to grow or i was finally wearing 'real' clothes instead of junkie comfy clothes and saw that i was showing. any way you can be the judge! and yes the dogs love to hang out with us meet malie and makue they were sitting nicely for the picture till ian snapped it and they were already playing... these two love to dig up and wreck the garden! i will try to get this weeks update up this week! sorry so late this last time.
happy late st. pattys day and birthday to granny and unbirthday to millie! i wore green! i also made potatoes yay!

remember our carrots?
well they were turned in to CURRY! yum!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Hi guys!

thanks everyone for all your support and checking in on us....
we are still looking for inspiration with the name game so please share any ideas you have!
we hope you are enjoying our updates if there is something you think we are leaving out let us know!
we are starting our substitute teaching class this week excited.... not sure what to put in our bentos yet but really excited cause i have a reason to use them!
yay for bentos!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

well we are kinda sure its a girl!

well we got to the doctor today march 8th 2011
i forgot to ask about what to do about being sick and exactly what week i am on, because i was so excited about the ultrasound!
but before we get to all the good stuff here are the belly pictures! yes it is starting to be less hide-able ha ha...

the baby pictures!
this is one of my favorites cause it looks like a baby to me
this is suppose to be the face straight on i can't really see it but ian can

so the doctor made us read a disclaimer to say that even if the ultrasound picture is pretty clear the reading is still not 100% and that it is harder to say if its a girl cause well you may just not see everything and that it does happen! i looked at the screen and well i do believe we will be having a baby girl! so i am starting to think HELLO KITTY (that may not be a suprise to any one that knows me) as well as cute little kanzashi my mom did big bows and well i think thats not so much fun compared to kanzashi! well we all have to decorate our girls with something! i also have a reason to start a kokeshi collection ( cause it's not for me.. wink wink) oh can you imagine the cute brightly colored kimono that she will wear for something i'm not sure what yet.... Ian and i are really excited and according to grandma nitta its good to have a girl first makes things softer and is good fortune.... true or not i like it


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