Monday, February 21, 2011

The Brain Storm

so we have been told by many that the name game takes the longest..... and that we should have started a long time ago with looking for a name.... i was putting it off till we knew what baby is ( boy/ girl) so we decided to play a little game! write down as many names as you can in 5 minutes. After we did that we looked up what the names mean and scratched some but the list goes on... we did boy and girl names and came up with this list:
Boy Names
Shay - courteous (irish)
Wade- moving (anglo-saxon) river crossing (eng) advancer ( scandinavian)
Kent- white (anglo-sax) chief (celtic)
Kerry- dark (celtic/ gaelic/ irish)
Robin- famed; bright; shining (eng)
Ezekiel- strength of god/ god strengthens
Lehi- jawbone
Ivo- archers bow (eng)
Jed/Jedidiah- beloved of the lord.(hebrew)
Eli- the offering or lifting up. my god (biblical) defender man(greek) high, ascend (hebrew)
Raiden- thunder, lightning (japan)
Elijah- jehovah is god (hebrew)
Gray- gray haired (eng)
Joseph- increase; addition (bible)
Joshua- a savior; deliverer (bible) Jehovah is generous (hebrew)
Trace- brave (anglo-saxon)
Kaiah- from the greek kaia- from the earth (greek)
Leo - lion (eng) bold for his people(teutonic)
Titan- giant
Rigel- foot (arabic) the blue star that marks the left foot of orion constellation.
Girl Names
Jeannie- girl version of John
Kacey- observant; alert; vigorous (irish)
Asena- from asenath- joseph's egyptian wife/ daughter (egyptian)
Clio- mythological muse of historical poetry (greek)
Luna- moon; a name for artemis goddess of the moon (greek)
Ruth - Ruthie - friend; vision of beauty ( bible)
Sophi(a/e)- wisdom; wise (greek)
Rai/Raina - strong/ queen (french/ german)
Lola - mary of sorrows (spain) ? kinda sad meaning but cool name?
Wendy- family; wanderer (german)
Kris(ta)- christian
Iris- flower (hebrew) rainbow goddess ( greek/ latin)
Chloe - goddess of agriculture (greek)
Jade* sorry late add just thought of it

we had a hard time with girl names we had a lot of the same ideas..... next time we will be looking for japanese and hawaiian names.... for the boy names in japanese we want to use the sei kanji that is in my dads name and a lot of the men in our family... looks like this i think it means goverment/ law or something in japanese not sure if it had other meanings in Okinawan. We are still looking around for any names so if you have ideas let us know or if you know other meanings to the names above let us know!


  1. Not that it matters, but I thought I'd give you my votes anyway :)
    (from your list)
    Boy:Kerry & Jed
    Girl:Mira & Ruth

    But pick what you want of course! Can't wait to hear what you are having so we can start shopping!

  2. i think you forgot to put beth or bethany on the list? ...i mean, come on, you have two great girl friends named beth, you would be blessed to have a girl like us! bahahahahahaha just kidding just kidding. :)

    ah so exciting

  3. thanks nik!
    beth- love you both but i think if we all named our kids after our fab friends we would be over run with beths!

  4. and that's a PROBLEM?? :)
    i love kaiah, and also asena and chloe.
    please do your daughter a favor and don't name her teenie. being little is a rough enough life as it is!

  5. Aunty Luana can help with the Hawaiian name when you are ready! :) Love you guys and love, love, love this blog.

  6. yeah i know beth but i think we all know its not like any kid of mine would be tall... ha ha... that one was ian's idea i thought huh maybe more like a nik name....

    thanks aunty may have to take you up on that later

  7. I like Ty & Eli or Sophie & Lola & Chloe. I tried really hard with the Lola...but Aaron wasn't for it. You would think with all his spanish he'd be all for it...but no. I like it! Good is a challenge. That's why Nora didn't have a name until she was at least 24 hours old if not even 36. =)

  8. thanks lani i am pretty sure we will come up with her hawaiian and japanese name before the first name ha ha we are so overwhelmed with the name game if you have any ideas please let me know!



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