so me and Liko... we are home bodies because we are lazy to go out maybe? or because no one likes the woman with the screaming child big stroller and hives in a store with them, gazing and grazing the same isle as them. so what do we do all day at the house? well good question due to the many friends and family i have that are pinterest i decided it must be good so i joined! love it but i must agree with niki's (my cousin) last blog note on it makes you feel like oh wow all the wonderful ideas and oh wow why didn't i think of that? still i love makes finding stuff for the primary trunk or treat way easy!
other times we try new recipes or make some up like soup or ha ha noodles in broth with frozen veggies... my poor husband! or today i am trying to make beans from dry beans and taco meat in the crock pot, i am to lazy to make tortillas by hand so a bread will have to do ha ha i had a pizza dough recipe that doesn't call for eggs and i added some i wonder how it will turn out?
Liko is a lucky girl if i learn how to cook before she gets to eating :) right now it doesn't bother her she just likes to suck on her burp cloths and be part of the party! ( yes you try to leave her in the dark or look at some one else for that matter.) but she is growing! and i love it had to go through and pack up all her new born clothes!
getting buta!
she now fits anything from 3-6 months yeah that went faster than i thought! she just keeps changing and we are getting all kinds of new experiences and as some are a little rough but we are thankful for all of them. hopefully we will learn how to be a little more productive each day and a little less survival/ camper status.