at the pool with miki and zoie
at the pool with daddy


i eat to much!

visit cousins
another walk in the park
we were going to the pumpkin patch for FHE but it is closed on mondays.... so we drove up haleakala for a picture
liko in her halloween shirt
we made it to the pumpkin patch!
shanda and the girls with us at the trunk or treat!
aunty august with liko

trunk or treating
liko and zoie in the wada's monster truck!
liko in her angry bird costume i made it alittle to small in the arms so we had to cut it.

angry bird family
liko's first flight

cruzin' at gma's
laughing with grandpa charlie
grandma and grandpa and great grandma and great grandpa arume
liko with her great great grandma
5 generation
liko and aunty lala and uncle yasu
liko sleeping on grandpa(my dad)
liko and robin!
liko and her aunty beth k
liko and the other arume girls!!!!
liko and mallory!
liko and aunty april and grandma
liko in cousin heidi's watermelon costume! after spending time with heidi.
liko and the pollister's!
the boys were fighting over her so cute!
me and liko hanging out at the mall with ashliegh julius and jonathan
liko and the bear chair
yay! back with daddy
liko at uncle kaulana and aunty courtney's wedding
liko and the sauser!
ps: check this out